martes, 10 de junio de 2014

QR CODE (quick reponse code)

This code is a useful way to save information. At first, it seems like a strange pic or image, but their black and white colours, and their shapes are colocated in a srategic form. By taking a photo of it you can guess the information that it hide.
Information from:
 I will applicate this type of technology in big stores, supermarkets and mainly in works that require to move quickly.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

C'mon! Last three weeks

Well, summer is coming. The weather is becoming hot (although last year in this days it was hotter), some pools are being opened, and people already wear shorts (too early from my point of view). Like most of the students, we are only thinking about finishing exams and school days. These last days are the hardest and longest of the whole school year, just because we realize that few days are missing, and that make us more nervous... I would like to send my support to all that young and not as young people that have important tests.